February 13, 2010

Snow Day!

Jack didn't know what to think about all that snow!

Just hangin' out with the guys...

Riley had the BEST time with his buddy Kaden, we were so glad he was out of school on Friday!

This was the first real snow he'd ever seen, so of course he had to test it out :)

The big kids had as much fun as the small kids.  Forgive the squinty eyes, it's bright when the light is bouncing off all that pretty white snow.

Jack soon decided he would rather eat and nap than play outside.

 I love this tree!  It's leaning and reminds me of a Dr. Suess tree. 

These pictures were taken inside our cemetary...maybe it's a little morbid :) but the cemetary is Jefferson is beautiful all year round!

February 08, 2010

February already?

February is already going by so fast!  We're already into the second week and I don't even know what happened to the first.  Jack is getting so big!  He is crawling everywhere and there is NO stopping him.  On Sunday morning he crawled from his room, down the hall, and into ours while I was getting ready for church.  It's sweet hearing his little hands "slap, slap, slap" on the tile :)  Of course, now that he can go anywhere he wants I'm wishing for the days not so long ago when he couldn't go anywhere at all, lol.  Up, down, up, down, up, down...that's how I spend my whole day, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the whole world!  He has also realized he LOVES food...peas, carrots, squash, green beans and we're on to some fruits this week.  But the carrots and squash break his little face out, so even though he loved them, we are having to wait awhile to try them again.  Jack has the most sensitve skin I've ever seen on a baby!
Riley is doing great in school, he's been on the A honor roll every 6 weeks and he's reading, writing, and his handwriting has gotten so much better!  And he is such a good big brother, he loves making Jack laugh, wants to hug him every day, and is so patient and sweet with him.  We're having a great time spending time together as a family, and getting back to Greenville to see my parents and brother as often as we can.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful February so far!  If you're like me you're ready for the rain to stop so the kids can play outside, and the mud stops getting tracked all over the house :)

I love my Momma!
And my brother too!
I even love my carrots :)
And my Momma loves these polka dot p.j.'s - she thinks I'm sooooo cute in them!